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New Blog Site

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  1. Troy Bowman
    February 18, 2021 at 2:36 am

    Hello. I am having issue seeing anything other than the ‘Start here’ page. I don’t see any other link besides the menu key which brings you to page doesn’t exist. Please help.

  2. low5point
    February 18, 2021 at 2:41 am

    That is the first and only page thus far. With the expansion of the blog I will now only be posting on the legacy website from now on. I’m guessing about two weeks to launch.

  3. DKDC
    February 18, 2021 at 4:42 pm


    On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 9:09 PM CCM’s 500 Best Albums Of All Time wrote:

    > low5point posted: ” Here you go! http://www.legacyccmsgreatestalbums.com See you > there ” >

  4. Greenchili
    February 23, 2021 at 5:49 am

    Good to see things gearing up. I’m currently working through a makeshift list of the “Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda” and really enjoying it. I just figured I’d post quick comments on your rules. Before that I am so tempted to play a game of name that album/book/item on the picture posted on the website. Which reminds me. I noticed the Mark Powell book which I have (wish I didn’t misplace the included CD ). I enjoyed referencing it when going through your top 500. Oddly enough I could not find any “exit record (I think)” artists mentioned in it. It was some record label that had several very good albums on your list. LOL Back to the task at hand.

    1. Understandable. Considering the number of albums you actually own I have no issue with that. Plus it affords you the opportunity to hear the record in it’s mostly original format. I used to think I had a lot of CCM CD’s/records until I saw your top 500.

    2 & 3. This one never really bothered me. There are numerous albums with spiritual context that in some form or another mean something to me. At least you are doing us the courtesy of having “asterick” albums. Besides it opens up an opportunity for conversations to occur.

    4. Understandable. Maybe someday someone could create a list of “best of” for artists who had a good enough of a collection of individual songs but couldn’t quite release a complete comprehensive album. I only say that for inclusive purposes cause there are really some great / decent stuff out there.

    5. Makes sense to me. I could count on my two hands ( barely past the first hand ) live albums that I think really stand out ( especially from the original recording ). Going back to number 4 maybe someday someone will put together a list of mentionables.

    6. Thank you! Reasoning understood and I never was a big fan of southern gospel anyways. I’m sure there is a good history there that someone else may wish to conquer some day. LOL.

    7. A shame but understandable. I’ve always had a fascination with this genre. But only have very limited exposure to it.

    8. I used to say that some of the well established artists that already existed before modern P&W hit full force sounded like “insert artist name here” covering a “delirious? insert writer name here” song. Hence not providing anything of value in my mind. But I’m glad your including ones that occasionally go outside that narrow and mind numbing format. Maybe someone more familiar with the ins and out of that genre can navigate a “best version of X song” list. LOL

    9. Makes sense to me. I’m at least familiar enough with Christian music history to understand the significance of certain releases. I think your descriptions do a decent job of explaining that to the uninitiated. It also makes sense that at a certain point albums become interchangeable. Besides it will make for an opportunity of “swap an album” or “swap an artist” talks in the comments section. There are several albums that were not on the 500 list that I personally like. But even I understand (mostly) why they were not included. I’ll admit I’m a bit more shallow then most. A corporate/Nashville/over produced album does not bother me as much as some.

    10. That’s a tough one but the list would probably be ridiculously large otherwise. I know many albums like that where at best slightly less than half the album is good. The rest is either filler or just plain meh.

  5. Greenchili
    March 5, 2021 at 7:16 am

    Eagerly awaiting the first entry. The list MUST and shall go free!

  6. mike the music guy
    July 17, 2021 at 11:26 am

    Will you (or anyone) explain what the acronym AYSO stands for? 🙂

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